Greene County Sheriff Logo
Greene County Sheriff Logo
Greene County Sheriff's Office
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Greene County Sheriff's Office

DWI and Traffic Enforcement

The primary objective of the Greene County Sheriff’s Office DWI and Traffic Safety Unit is to reduce the number of injury and fatality crashes on roadways within Greene County. The Greene County Sheriff’s Office is partnered with the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) who helps partially fund a three-person traffic safety unit.

The three-person traffic safety unit consists of two Deputies who primarily focus on DWI enforcement and one Deputy who primarily focuses on hazardous moving violations (HMV). This unit engages in aggressive enforcement of traffic laws with special attention to some of the following: careless and imprudent (C&I) driving, excessive speeding, hazardous moving violations, and drunk / drugged driving (DWI).

Aggressive driving, drunk / drugged driving, and speeding violations are some of the leading causes to injury and fatality crashes. Enforcement projects this unit conducts to help lower these violations include: Deputy on a bus, speed enforcement in school and construction zones, highly saturated DWI enforcement, and seatbelt and child car seat enforcement. The unit has a working relationship with the Greene County Prosecutor’s Office to keep those who violated the traffic laws responsible for their actions.

All three of the Deputies have Alco-Sensor IV instruments in their vehicles. These instruments are portable breath instruments where the Deputies in this unit can conduct an entire DWI investigation from their vehicles. Greene County is a no-refusal county which means if you refuse to provide a sample of your breath or blood for testing, a search warrant will be applied for a sample of your blood during a DWI investigation.

Vehicles and equipment utilized by the DWI/Traffic Safety Units are provided by MODOT.

MODOT also provides overtime funding, encouraging all deputies to work after their normal shifts enforcing DWI and HMV laws.

vehicles guy sober

To submit an anonymous tip, please contact the Greene County Crime Tip Hotline at (417) 829-6230 You can also submit a tip online at Crime Stoppers .
Emergency call 911

Sheriff Greene County Sheriff Office 5100 West Division Street Springfield, MO 65802 (417) 868-4040 Fax:(417) 868-4830 Jim Arnott