Greene County Logo Highway Department

Proposed Farm Road 170 Extension, US 65 to Route J

At their public hearing on June 15, 2010, Greene County Planning Board tabled Planning Board Case No. 1786, which was an amendment to the Greene County Major Thoroughfare Plan to include the proposed Farm Road 170 Extension. As part of the motion to table, the Planning Board requested that the Greene County Commission refer this matter to the Ozarks Transportation Organization (OTO) for their review and recommendation. OTO is a regional planning organization that coordinates transportation planning between the cities and counties in the Springfield metropolitan region, including MoDOT. The Technical Planning Committee of OTO has taken up the request from Greene County for review and will make a recommendation to the OTO Board of Directors later this year or early next year.

You can find more information on this request and a schedule of upcoming OTO Technical Planning Committee and Board of Directors meetings at

If you have questions or would like to provide comments to the Greene County Highway Department, Please Click Here. More details will be added to the website as it becomes available.

Proposed FR 170 - Alternate Alignments