Greene County Logo Greene County Commission
Rusty MacLachlan
Commissioner 1st District
Bob Dixon
Presiding Commissioner
John C Russell
Commissioner 2nd District

Planning Board

What does Rezoning mean?

Every zoning district is assigned a list of permitted uses and acceptable levels of density. An applicant may seek a rezoning for their property to change it to a zoning district with different permitted uses and levels of density.

What is a Conditional Use Permit?

An applicant may seek a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to carry out a specific use on a property if that use is not listed for the zoning district of their property, which would require further investigation and discussion by the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment. Such uses are often unique and may not fit easily in common zoning district definitions. If a CUP is approved, it does not change the underlying zoning of a property.

What is a Plot Assignment District?

A Plot Assignment District (PAD) is a specialized zoning district that allows specific land uses, such would be found in a planned development. Some PAD proposals contain multiple land uses and some contain just one, but in all cases, future development on a PAD site is limited to the specific use or uses originally proposed. Rezoning to a PAD requires the submission of more detailed information than a typical rezoning, including sketch plans and an engineering report.

What is a Preliminary Plat?

If a piece of land is at any time divided into more than three tracts, a Preliminary Plat must be submitted showing the proposed lot layout and other necessary improvements, such as streets, utility easements, and stormwater management. Once a Preliminary Plat is approved, a Final Plat can subsequently be submitted and recorded, but only if it contains no major deviations from the Preliminary Plat. A Preliminary Plat does not change the zoning of a piece of land; it provides a physical record of how that land’s development will be laid out in accordance with the County’s current zoning and subdivision regulations.

What is a Variance?

The Greene County Zoning Regulations [link] contain a number of rules governing property development. If an applicant requests a variance, it means she/he is asking for permission to break one of these rules due to exceptional circumstances. If a variance is approved it does not change the underlying zoning of a property.